The staff at KRSA work at the intersection of the electricity industry and public policy. Some of the services in resource planning include:
With decades of policy experience, KRSA is well-positioned to provide energy policy consulting. Consulting topics may include working effectively with electric utilities, addressing climate change legislation, utility rate studies, strategic planning, and employee recruitment.
KRSA provides a number of services to support government entities in developing clean energy policy, portfolios, and projects. Services include writing and evaluating request for proposals (RFPs), implementing solar technology installations on public facilities, establishing solar energy public outreach, and addressing climate change legislation.
KRSA has extensive experience supporting developers, utilities, and local governments with the regulatory, siting, and permitting processes of projects. Support can be provided with writing and completing Request For Proposals (RFPs) and Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) Certificates of Environmental Compatibility (CECs). Expert witness testimony for siting and regulatory proceedings is also available.